Thursday, May 10, 2012

Reminder: Yong invites you to Twoo

I found an exclusive and fun way to meet new people online:
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Hi there,

Just a heads-up that your friend Yong is having a great time meeting new people on Twoo. Join in!

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Massive Media NV, Emile Braunplein 18, 9000 Ghent, Belgium BE0834322338.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Reminder: Yong invites you to Twoo

I found an exclusive and fun way to meet new people online:
Can't read this mail? View an online version.
Read this mail in: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Nederlands  Polski  Português  Türkçe  العربية‏  Dansk  Suomi  Norsk  Svenska  日本語  Român  Pусский  български  中國 Bahasa Indonesia ไทย Latviešu Lietuvių Shqip Ελληνικά hrvatski jezik tiếng Việt
Hi there,

Just a heads-up that your friend Yong is having a great time meeting new people on Twoo. Join in!

Join the fun!
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Massive Media NV, Emile Braunplein 18, 9000 Ghent, Belgium BE0834322338.